Founded to break the cycle of tyranny and dishonor within the Alterac Mountains - the Citrine Eagle is a driving force for pioneers and fortune-seekers alike in their quest to flourish in long forgotten lands.
Once an order of Paladin-Knights, the Citrine Eagle is now a beacon of adventure and prosperity within Alterac.
The Citrine Eagle has taken hold in the Talongrab, a massive swathe of mountains east of Alterac Valley once held by the Syndicate.

Alterac is a vast chain out frigid mountains that are wedged within Lordaeron. Once a land marred by the treachery of Aiden Perenolde, the Citrine Eagle now uses this as a beacon of opportunity to carve out the world in their image.

Below is a list of the lands of Alterac explored and occupied by the Citrine Eagle. Selecting one below will lead you to information about each location! This section is a work in progress and will be updated frequently - so check back soon! Anything that is greyed out is in progress!

Many friends and foes of the Citrine Eagle live within the mountains of Alterac. Below is a slideshow of all the current known factions within the Alterac Mountains.