The Citrine Eagle uses it's own custom D20 system for combat and story events! Players build a stat sheet and traits which are both empowered as they progress through the guild.
We recommend building out your first character sheet as soon as able! Anyone in the guild in the Command rank should be able to help you set one up.
Every character in the guild purposed for battle and adventure events should start off by building a stat sheet! The Stat Sheet is a simple sheet of your characters augmentations and traits. Below is a template of the stat sheet.
Stat Points: 7 (+1 per rank)
Health: 5 (+Con)
Traits: (You choose three!)
All new players start off with:
5 Health
7 Stat Points to distribute across 6 stats.
3 Basic Traits of your choice.
You can allocate stat points into any stat for a roll bonus to actions that use that stat (up to a +3).
Your health is 5+ your Constitution stat.
Each rank you get in the guild gives you 1 stat point to add, and the ability to empower a trait. (More on this below!)
Statistics directly affect the outcome of your rolls in most situations in a d20 event by modifying your rolls. You start off with 7 points, and gain 1 each time you rank up! You can dispense these points to modify rolls for certain tasks! They're noted below.
Constitution is the primary statistic to gain hit points. A player begins with a base of 5 health, and if they choose to place stat bonuses into Constitution, they also gain hit points. It can also be used for will saves.
Strength is the primary stat for major actions involving heavy weapons, moving big objects, picking things up, and putting things down. It can also be used for physical intimidation, as well as grappling and tackling enemies to subdue them.
Dexterity is the primary stat for weapons that require quick sleight of hand, and great prowess such as daggers, bows, guns, and staves. It can also be used to avoid quick swings, falling objects, and things requiring deft athleticism such as running long distances.
Intelligence is the primary stat for casting spells that deal damage, resisting magical effects, learning about items, perceiving magics, granting buffs to the group, and research.
Charisma is the primary stat for persuasiveness, ability to lead, and diplomacy. It is a measure of the strength of your personality and personal magnetism. Bards and other personality driven magics are highly affected by this.
Wisdom is the primary stat for all healing abilities. It can also be used to perceive most sounds, movements, and clues, including but not limited to animal tracks, symbols, and loud noises. Wisdom is also the main stat for perception checks, and healing.
Traits are a guild wide pool of augmentations that push the scales of the Citrine Dice D20 system in favor of the Eagle. As soon as a member joins as a Snowcap they will have access to all base traits for use in guild events. As a member ranks up the traits become empowered making your character even stronger. You gain an empowered trait at Private, Corporal, and Sergeant ranks.
You are permitted to have THREE active traits at any given time. Traits may be swapped out between guild events and should be noted on your Character Sheet. A complete list of traits can be found with the link below.
Combat in the Citrine Eagle is tailored to varying and ranging success during turns to promote variety, and engagement in the midst of an event. In its simplest form, these ranges of success are listed below on the D20 Break Points table. If you are new to the system at an event and in a pinch to learn about it this is the biggest part you need to understand!
Combat is broken up in two phases. The Player Phase, and the Enemy Phase which are pretty self-explanatory. The initiation of a Player Phase, or Enemy Phase in combat will be announced by the Dungeon Master. In the Player Phase, players are able to direct their characters how they like, and roll for damage.
A basic Player Phase allows players to do the following:
/roll 20 to determine your success or failure.
Attack or Heal depending on roll result. Alternatively you can do a special action such as sneaking around, buffing, or seducing the enemy. Be sure to message your DM if you'd like to try something special.
We highly suggest that players be creative when a dungeon master is coordinating a combat scenario. Your actions with rolling aren't limited to just dealing out strikes! Try to communicate with the dungeon master if you want to try a special action!
An "Enemy Phase" will be explicitly called in raid warnings. At this time, the group will be victim to the DMs will. This can vary on multiple accounts based on the Dungeon Master leading the group. However in general, a DM will roll for each special marker, which may have special properties.
We advise you be attentive to what the DM is doing in the Enemy Phase, as they will direct the group on actions to take accordingly, and might call for special actions. Since the DMs word is law, do as they say! It will help you keep yourself well immersed in the experience of the battle. The enemy phase can be the most simple, or most diverse phase depending on player actions in the player phase (or inaction). The course of an event is guided by the players who participate!
Your character takes one damage. Emote your failure accordingly!
Your action fails. You are deflected, dodged, or failed to strike.
You are able to deal 1 point of damage. In lieu of dealing damage you can heal yourself or another for 1 HP.
You are able to deal 2 points of damage. In lieu of dealing damage you can heal yourself or another for 2 HP or raise a fallen character to 2 HP.
You are able to deal 3 points of damage. In lieu of dealing damage you can heal yourself or another for 3 HP or raise a fallen character to 3 HP.
You are able to deal 6 points of damage. In lieu of dealing damage you can heal yourself or another for 6 HP or raise a fallen character to 6 HP.
If you roll a 3 or lower then roll again. You'll still take damage from a natural 1 and the potential second natural 1 roll. Can only be done once per turn.